
A Gorgeous Flat

Yesterday, I went to a house of my Chinese classmate after school. The house is located near uni.
It was so nice. It has a huge living room, two cute bed rooms and clean bathroom. Compared to the flat, mine is very small, and there is no bath only shower. In fact, the cost of the house where I went is so high like over ¥150,000 per month. I cannot afford. I envy my classmate. If I go there again, I'll take a bath.



  1. It's tooooooo expensive!! (I asked my American classmate how's different between too expensive and very expensive ;) )
    Anyhow, how much is average cost in London?
    Your Chinese classmate uses the flat only him or herself? why don't you share with somebody?
    My room is pretty owesome, and it's 500€ per month,but actually it's high in Berlin.average is 200 to 250 €、something like that.If you don't want to share, it's still cheaper that 500€

  2. it's still cheaper than 500€.

  3. I'm not quite sure but the average rent in London is about £500 per month.

    She is living there with a flat mate so it costs each person ¥75,000. Hang on! Sounds like not too expensive. ahaha. If the flat was in Tokyo, it would be ordinary price.

    How awesome is your room? I think there is no flat where I can live paying only £200. So nice.
